Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Steve finally found a church here in the California area that he likes. I had to stay home with Mia because I've been home ill. I'm excited that we may have found a church home. Since we didn't have a professional photographer, we decided to take Mia to the park for some Easter pics. We had two separate outfits. She is a great model, and except for trying to eat the props, she did great. Hope everyone has a blessed and Happy Easter Sunday! Missing everybody =(

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lazy Saturday

So we've started a family blog to chronicle our lives with our latest addition, Mia. She is 7 months old this past April 8th. She is developing like crazy. It seems like every day she is doing something new and amazing (at least amazing to us!) Today we took a walk to the park and of course she fell asleep in the stroller after only a few minutes in the beautiful sunshine. This evening she spent loads of time crawling around on the floor and attempting to put everything she could grab into her mouth. She has rediscovered one of her favorite rattles from months past, but this time she is using it more as a weapon, attacking the floor with it. She is giggling, and cooing, and screaming. She is still not saying many consonants, mainly just "goo" every now and then. But she loves to dance and bounce along with us to the music. Her favorite television channel is Noggin, and she sits in her "recliner" and watches it intently. She has pretty much outgrown her Baby Einstein DVD's, so I guess it's time we buy some more. Today we put her hair in two pony tails for the first time, and she amazingly allowed us to accomplish such a task. I hope to add more additions daily so we can look back on the amazing journey of our family. (In this pic we have put her in her crib for bed, but now that she has learned to pull herself up, she acts like she is breaking out of jail, and things have been difficult for us!)