Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's been a while!!

So we haven't blogged in a LONG time! Life has been extremely hectic. I've (Steph) been traveling back to Texas and the midwest interviewing for a job, and as of last week, I've accepted a position at Southwestern Medical in Dallas. We are so looking forward to heading back to Texas. Now I just have to get credentialed, and figure out where we're going to live!

Mia has developed so! We haven't posted in a while, and a LOT has happened. Mia had her big 1st birthday. It was a blast! Steve's family came in town (including his Mom, sister, brother-in-law, and nephews). We all went to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium, and Mia had a great time looking at the sea creatures (especially the tiny jelly fish!) Over the past couple of months she has developed tremendously. She has been walking since 11 months, but not well until 12 months. Now she is REALLY ON THE MOVE!! She walks/runs everywhere, and gets into everything. Over the past 3 days she has also developed a little bit of a devious side. She's throwing tantrums, yelling "NO" to us, and defying us purposely. It's crazy! I know she's just learning to test her boundaries, but I have NO IDEA how to discipline a child. This is going to be interesting...

She is just the highlight of our lives. We can never get enough of her - she's extraordinary entertainment. Her favorite song is "Single Ladies" by Beyonce, and she loves to sing along and dance. It's quite hilarious! She is also saying "ABCD" of her ABC's. She loves to read books, watch cartoons, dance, sing, play in the tub, run around, and the list goes on and on!! She's also developed a liking for my makeup, brushes, clothes, and shoes. She's already an absolute DIVA. Well it's time to get to bed (for all of us). We'll be posting some pics soon!