Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Home in Dallas...

It's been quite a while since the last post. A lot has been going on. We moved to Irving, TX in January for job reasons. My (Steph's) parents have been helping watch Mia while we looked for a daycare facility.

Last Friday was Mia's first day in daycare. We looked long and hard for a place we thought we could trust, but when I picked her up from the daycare her face was swollen tremendously and they hadn't even noticed. Her eyes were practically swollen shut! I rushed her to the doctor immediately, and she was placed on Benadryl. Luckily she didn't have any trouble breathing.

I couldn't believe they overlooked something like that. I cried.

So now we've been looking for another daycare. I found a place nearby with a low teacher/student ratio, but it's VERY expensive. I guess you get what you pay for!! Mom and dad are going to watch her 2 days a week and she'll be going to the daycare the other 3 days.

Mia is doing great now. She loves to dance, color, talk, sing, and feed herself all kinds of fun foods. She just brightens our days!

Easter is around the corner. Guess we better go shopping for Mia's Easter dress!