Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Developments in the world of Mia

Well, the past week has been very exciting for us and little Mia. One night as we were all laying in bed (yes "all" meaning Mia still sleeps with us, unfortunately) and Mia started babbling like crazy. Now prior to this all we could get out of her was many high pitched shrills and screams so this was very exciting for us. Then all of a sudden I hear the one word that I've been waiting for, Dada, we couldnt believe it, she was so cute, although we dont think she knows what it means, but its still adorable all the same.

Last night as we were sitting on the couch watching TV and also watching mommy work (like always), Mia started getting a little fussy. Steph made a comment about how she could be teething. I looked and sure enough Miss Mia has a little bottom front tooth poking through. Its so adorable. She is really growing so fast and its a little sad, but thats life. She is currently sitting in her recliner in the living room, glued to the TV watching Noggin, lol. Relaxing after a big bowl of Rice Cereal mixed with Bananas, yum!!! Its her favorite. She has moved up to 3rd foods and really enjoys Spaghetti and Chicken Noodles, its funny to see her using her little jaw to chew.

Stephanie has been working hard this entire year, but this past week has been something way worse. On average she has been getting up at 5 am and not getting home until 7:30 pm. And when she gets home, she is on the stupid laptop finishing reports until at least 10 pm. She has had no time for herself.

We are almost half way there and cant wait!

1 comment:

  1. Steph, you are doing an amazing job dealing with all the stress of life right now. It will soon be over, and hopefully you will look back one day and smile. I can't fathom how tired and frustrated you are working these ridiculous hours and being on call, but you will get through this. Hang in there. As for Mia...HER FIRST TOOTH!!!YAY! C U soon.
